February 09, 2014

Storybook Recommendations

     I have a few storybook recommendations that I am very happy to share on Paula Shaw's "Storybook Sunday" link party.

I would like to recommend the following books:

"When I was a Boy... I Dreamed" written by Justin Matott and 
"When I was a Girl... I Dreamed" by Margaret Baker and J.P. Matott.

     Back when I was in college, I took several early childhood education courses that required me to read TONS of children's books. My two recommendations, today, are some of my favorites from the long list of books that I have read. These two books, in particular, are about two older people that tell of the dreams that they had when they were young kids. Most of which are the same dreams that most children have, today. I mean, what boy wouldn't love to fight a dragon!?! And what girl hasn't pretended that she was a school teacher, while playing in her bedroom!?!
     The illustrations in both books are absolutely beautiful, and creative. They match the dreams of young children, and capture the excitement of those dreams as well. You will soon see the magic of these illustrations, and have the story "When I was a Girl I dreamed" read to you. (Sadly, I could not find a video of "When I was a Boy I dreamed".) I hope you enjoy the video! And if you would like to link up to Paula's link party, just click on her link provided at the top of this post. Hope to see you there! :)


  1. I adore these books - thanks for linking up
    Paula from Paula’s Place and iSURF Maths

  2. Replies
    1. I am so glad that you like my choice of books. I hope that, if you haven't already read these books to your kiddos that you do sometime soon. I know they'd really enjoy them! :) Thanks again for stopping by.


  3. I love finding new storybooks to read with my kiddos! I'll definitely have to check out this linky! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. I would love to see you come join Paula's link party. I have already seen quite a few books that I will have read for myself, and then to my kids. :)
